海南天然橡胶产业集团股份有限公司(以下简称“海南橡胶”)成立于2005年3月31日,2011年1月7日在上海证券交易所挂牌上市(证券简称:海南橡胶;股票代码: 601118),是中国资本市场唯一的天然橡胶全产业链上市公司,也是全球最大的集天然橡胶科研、种植、加工、贸易、金融一体化的跨国企业集团。
CHINA HAINAN RUBBER INDUSTRY GROUP CO.,LTD. (hereinafter referred to as "the Company" or "Hainan Rubber") was established on March 31, 2005, and has undertaken the natural rubber assets of Hainan Agricultural Reclamation with a registered capital of RMB 4.279 billion. The company was listed on the Shanghai Stock Exchange on January 7, 2011 (stock code: 601118). It is the only natural rubber listed company in the whole industrial chain in China's capital market, controls two overseas listed companies and one domestic NEEQ listed company, and is also the world's largest multinational enterprise group integrating natural rubber research, planting, processing, trade, logistics, and finance.
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